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Posts published in “Features”

Boggle’s The Mind

A residential treatment center opened up recently near Seattle for people addicted to computer games. The first patient entered treatment after playing the online game…

Off the Record 9/9/2009

DURING DA MEREDITH LINTOTT'S appearance last week before the Board of Supervisors, Mrs. Lintott lamented both the increase in crime and her inability, because of…

Valley People 9/9/2009

PERHAPS THE BIGGEST CROWD in Navarro's crowded history gathered Monday afternoon to hear the majorly talented Winter Brothers and Dale Gieringer sing the blues. From…

Letters to the Editor 9/9/2009

DI-FI’S MISINFORMATION Editor, I received the following response to a letter from senator Feinstein: Dear Mr. Blankfort: Thank you for writing to express your concerns…

Valley People 9/2/2009

SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT J.R. COLLINS confirmed Tuesday that one student at Anderson Valley Elementary has tested positive for swine flu. Collins said he hoped “people don't…

Off the Record 9/2/2009

THE CROOKS and incompetents who've combined to loot The Redwood Coast Senior Center have persuaded its endlessly pliable board of directors to contest the grand…


Editor, This is about the Clinton Smith case farce. How is it that a 38-year old grown man and school teacher is considered not be…

Letters to the Editor 9/2/2009

THE DEEP END Yikes! Our subscription nearly expired. We have enjoyed your writing/editing for a long time and were provoked to reminisce by one of…

Letters to the Editor 8/26/2009

 LITTLE BOXES, NOT BIG ONES Dear AVA, Rah, rah! for Dave Smith and Boo! to big-box stores that are destroying our counties from coast to…
