JOE SCARAMELLA was 5th District supervisor from 1952 until 1970. We interviewed him in 1996
Posts published in “Features”
TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR THE MONDAY NIGHT KZYX BOARD MEETING at the Fort Bragg Senior Center: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Initial Hosannahs and 8-1 declaration that GM Coate is in charge of the meeting and the…
YOU'RE GETTING to be an old timer if you remember when Fjord's was a buffet-style restaurant whose 60-foot sign looming up over North State Street announced the northern perimeter of Ukiah.
THE PLOT THINS: The man arrested this week for plunking down a bag of dope at the security check at the Mendocino County Courthouse says the pants he was wearing weren't his.
To give Kathy Smith and her administration the benefit of the doubt, College of the Redwoods, Mendocino, has been grossly mismanaged.
THE OLD ALBERTINUM PROPERTY on Ukiah’s Westside is about to be sold to the ever larger Buddhist presence in the Mendocino County seat.
TIME TO RE-DEFINE “STORM.” A few inches of warm rain is not a storm, breathless “storm” warnings of television weather babes and area newspapers aside.