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Posts published in “Features”

White House v. Fox News: A War Obama Can Win

The jousting between the White House and Fox News is drawing grave warnings from pundits to Obama’s team that this is a losing issue for…

Puta Caballo

About horses, I knew not much. The few I had rid­den back in the States were beaten down robots one finds in rental stables-the giddy-up-go…

Competitive Meditation

What a silly idea, competitive meditation. Yet in America all things become competitive and hierarchi­cal as reflections of the dominant operating system. Twenty years ago…

The Endless Censoring Of Labor

Did you know about the Bush administration’s rot­ten treatment of the air traffic controllers whose work is essential to air safety? That controllers were forced…

Speed Willy

I met Speed Willy at a commune that I lived in. He was a good guy, but he was a late-comer to our commune and wasn’t into the more spiritual side of the commune. There were 120 of us at Harbin Hot Springs in 1969, and Willy was a realist, not spiritual at all.

California Was A Golden Dream

On the day I arrived in the Bay Area I got to Ber­keley just an hour or so too late to catch some films at…

Off the Record 10/21/2009

THE STEAMIEST SEX case ever in Mendocino County kicks off Thursday with a pre-trial conference in Ukiah. Already, Judge Behnke is keeping media out, although…
