LISTEN UP, FORT BRAGG. Isn't it about time the City annexed the Koch Brothers. Not them personally. Hell, what would we do with them after we annexed them? I mean the mill site. Eminent domain that sucker. Are we going to wait forever while those two characters hold hostage the town's spectacular 420 oceanside acres?
Posts published in “Off the Record”
WE SPOKE LAST WEEK with a retired County Mental Health staffer familiar with Mental Health services before and after Ortner. ORTNER MANAGEMENT GROUP is a for-profit business based in Yuba City. The County "gifted" him,…
THE GUN NUT fantasy is that idiot bad guys will holler “Here we come!” and lurch, zombie-like into the front yard so that they can be shot down. The fantasizer can stick his gun out…
A WOMAN CALLED Monday morning with a sad tale of being ripped off by a particularly slimy attorney called Dan Russo, and was only in mid-tale when her cell phone gave out. I hope Kelly…
FORT BRAGG declared a Stage 3 water emergency last Friday. Stage 1 means bone dry, so there's a ways to go before Fort Bragg becomes cactus and tumbleweed. A combination of low tides and diminished…
SUSIE DECASTRO WRITES: "On a beautiful day, like today, I headed for MacKerricher Park to delight and exercise a bit. As I turned into the park, I saw something unusual: a whole family (parents and children) waiting by the side of the road. Yes, they were hitch-hiking.
CLIPPIES are collecting signatures in shopping areas around the County to qualify a June 2016 ballot measure that would prevent timber companies from hack-and-squirt tree thinning. The initiative already has a broad base of support,…