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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (Dec 23, 2015)

CORRECT ME if I'm wrong, and the odds are… You look at these timber prospectuses that claim the land they're selling can yield something like 21,000 board feet per acre, but isn't that seemingly large…

Off the Record (Dec 16, 2015)

THE SUPERVISORS have approved a 16 percent pay raise for District Attorney David Eyster and a 10 percent raise for Sheriff Tom Allman. Supervisors McCowen and Woodhouse wanted to give Eyster more to ensure he…

Off the Record (Dec 9, 2015)

THE FOLLOWING PRESS RELEASE, which we will fast forward to spare you the agony of gov-prose, has to do with the County's retirement fund and should be read upside down. The last paragraph is the…

Off the Record (Dec 2, 2015)

BAD NEWS FOR MENDO. The Board of State Community Corrections will not fund the Sheriff's hoped-for plan to build a unit at the County Jail for mentally ill inmates. The Sheriff and the Supervisors had…

Off the Record (Nov 25, 2015)

THE TINY HOUSES VILLAGE proposed for Ukiah by the Supervisors, with Supervisor McCowen leading the charge will, if it proceeds, be an interesting experiment. If you came in late the Supervisors would provide housing for…

Off the Record (Nov 18, 2015)

THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of the murder of Susan Keegan by her husband, Dr. Peter Keegan, has come and gone. But how can you say Keegan is the killer? Because Susan Keegan's death certificate says her…

Off the Record (Nov 11, 2015)

STILL NO SIGN OF ASHA KREIMER, 26, the young Australian woman last seen at the Rollerville Cafe near Point Arena about 9:30am on Friday, September 21st. She had been driven there by her boyfriend. ASHA…
