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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off The Record (Feb 4, 2014)

CONGRESSMAN HUFFMAN visited Boonville High School a couple of weeks ago. No, it has not yet been declared a crime scene. I wonder, though, what the captive, photo-opted students made out of it?

Off The Record (Jan 28, 2014)

Will Parrish’s attorney, Omar Figueroa of Sebastopol, made the following remarks last Thursday on the Ukiah Courthouse steps after the onerous charges against AVA reporter Will Parrish were reduced in a settlement between District Attorney David Eyster, the Court, and defendant Parrish.

Off The Record (Jan 22, 2014)

IT HASN'T RAINED, really rained, since December of 2012. Now that it's likely that the summer months will begin with no water reserves anywhere in the County, the full array of drought-caused catastrophes will be unleashed, from large-scale wildfires to much higher food prices to the death of this year's fish runs.

Off The Record (Jan 15, 2014)

THE MENDO County Supervisors, on Tuesday (7th January), voted unanimously to declare a local emergency “and imminent threat of disaster” from drought, and appointed two…

Off The Record (Jan 8, 2014)

THE US NATIONAL WEATHER Service has posted a photo of an empty Lake Mendocino. A drought of the 1975-76 magnitude is upon us. TUESDAY, the…

Off The Record (Jan 2, 2014)

WATER WORRIES. If winter doesn't reappear soon, inland Mendocino County, from Redwood Valley to Healdsburg, is in serious trouble. The Sonoma County Water Authority, out…

Off the Record (Dec 24, 2013)

LOCAL CORRUPTION? Not to put too fine a point on this one, but draw your own conclusions from this set of facts: DA David Eyster…

Off The Record

THE CITY OF WILLITS is talking about water ration­ing. The failure of winter rains to appear is beginning to worry everyone from firefighters to water…

Off The Record

JOHN HOGGATT has died. Known in Willits simply as John The Printer, John passed away Tuesday evening at his Willits home after a protracted battle…
