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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (Feb. 7, 2018)

SUPER BOWL NOTE: Haven’t watched one since the Montana-Walsh Niners were in it, and don’t watch much football anymore anyway, and not for the reasons mostly stated, from concussions to the politicizing of the games into either protest venues or triumphal military celebrations.

Off the Record (Jan. 24, 2018)

LEE HOWARD, the outspoken Ukiah Valley contractor who has been keeping an eye on the Redwood Complex fire clean-up project, wants to know why he was arrested for simply photographing the debris cleanup being done…

Off the Record (Jan. 17, 2018)

APPOINTMENTS were made Tuesday to the Measure B Mental Health Facilities Oversight Board. There are eleven of them now. Sheriff Allman, the Measure’s key advocate, of course; plus County Auditor Lloyd Weir, County Mental Health…

Off the Record (Jan. 10, 2018)

THERE'S POT all over Mendocino County available for $500 a pound, even less. The black market will continue to thrive because it will be able to undercut storefront dope. Law enforcement will also continue to profit by busting the black market people. And, so far, local law enforcement has even busted people who thought their papers were in order!

Off the Record (Jan. 3, 2018)

THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS this Tuesday (2 January) will solidify the huge pay raises they voted to give themselves for their unimpressive, part-time "work" as elected officials. They'll begin the new year at $85.5k, up from $61.2k.…

Off the Record (Dec. 27, 2017)

THE SUPERVISORS, in a move that would pay them almost twice as much as the average private sector Mendo working person, voted 4-1 Monday to raise their annual salaries from $61,200 to a startling $85,500, starting next…
