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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (Dec 30, 2015)

FORT BRAGG'S revived Taco Bell has customers lining up. Literally. And that's what strikes outsiders as odd, very odd. Why would non-starving people stand in…

Off the Record (Dec 23, 2015)

CORRECT ME if I'm wrong, and the odds areā€¦ You look at these timber prospectuses that claim the land they're selling can yield something like…

Off the Record (Dec 16, 2015)

THE SUPERVISORS have approved a 16 percent pay raise for District Attorney David Eyster and a 10 percent raise for Sheriff Tom Allman. Supervisors McCowen…

Off the Record (Dec 9, 2015)

THE FOLLOWING PRESS RELEASE, which we will fast forward to spare you the agony of gov-prose, has to do with the County's retirement fund and…

Off the Record (Dec 2, 2015)

BAD NEWS FOR MENDO. The Board of State Community Corrections will not fund the Sheriff's hoped-for plan to build a unit at the County Jail…

Off the Record (Nov 25, 2015)

THE TINY HOUSES VILLAGE proposed for Ukiah by the Supervisors, with Supervisor McCowen leading the charge will, if it proceeds, be an interesting experiment. If…

Off the Record (Nov 4, 2015)

LISTEN UP, FORT BRAGG. Isn't it about time the City annexed the Koch Brothers. Not them personally. Hell, what would we do with them after we annexed them? I mean the mill site. Eminent domain that sucker. Are we going to wait forever while those two characters hold hostage the town's spectacular 420 oceanside acres?
