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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (November 9, 2022)

WE HAVEN'T HEARD from the Pelosi perp yet — the alleged perp — but I have to say the speculation about what truly happened is a hoot, not that there's anything funny about an old…

Off the Record (Nov. 2, 2022)

A READER WRITES: “Despite searching for news everywhere on Coast recycling, no real info on Waste Management closing Pudding Creek, no place except Road 409 to recycle. People will not recycle if they have to…

Off the Record (Oct. 26, 2022)

SHERIFF KENDALL told the Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Group last month that “Overdoses are through the roof.” And indeed they are.  As Gary Levenson Palmer posted on facebook recently: “Fentanyl overdose deaths in California soared…

Off the Record (Oct. 19, 2022)

MIKE GENIELLA: Putting aside the apparent fact that baby face Noble [former Ukiah police chief] has a long tangled history with women (let's not forget Amanda Carley among others), what's up with months of so-called…

Off the Record (Oct. 12, 2022)

“THE ELECTION of the first woman prime minister in a country always represents a break with the past, and that is certainly a good thing.” — Hillary Clinton, on the election of the female Italian…

Off the Record (Oct. 5, 2022)

READING THE EMINENTLY READABLE ‘Medium Raw’ by the late Anthony Bourdain, and what a big loss that guy is. The book's subtitle is “A bloody valentine to the world of food and people who cook.”…

Off the Record (Sept. 28, 2022)

LAUREN SINNOTT: I’m painting a new mural as part of the Art for Alleyways project in Fort Bragg! It will depict one strand of Fort Bragg’s interwoven history: Finnish immigration during the late 1800s and…
