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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (February 9, 2022)

QUICK WATER & WEATHER REPORT Currently, Lake Mendocino has 43,232 acre feet behind the dam with an overall capacity of 118,000 acre feet, which means…

Off the Record (February 2, 2022)

THE GRANDKIDS came home with a note announcing that an Asian woman is giving a class for parents called, “How to raise a non-racist child.”…

Off the Record (January 26, 2022)

BOB MCKEE HAS PASSED. For those of us in Southern Humboldt, it is as if a library burned or a giant tree uprooted. The landscape…

Off the Record (January 19, 2022)

THE TRUE STATE of the County, and the country for that matter, is neatly summed up by this letter from Mr. Eloherry: “Editor: I saw…

Off the Record (January 12, 2022)

THE DEMOCRATS are complaining that the January 6th slob-mob riot at Congress was an attempt by Trump and his Trumpers to overturn the election results.…

Off the Record (January 5, 2022)

ANGEL GUZMAN of San Jose is being held in the County Jail on attempted murder charges arising out of Covelo. The Albion plot involving him,…

Off the Record (December 29, 2021)

JIM PAGE NOTES:  “About the Ukiah Co-Op incident — here’s a cell phone video that’s pretty interesting to watch. You can clearly hear an employee…

Off the Record (December 22, 2021)

FOR THE SECOND TIME, roughly two dozen unmasked people, including children, invaded the Ukiah Co-Op two Saturday ago, allegedly in protest of the store's mandated…

Off the Record (December 15, 2021)

FOR THE SECOND TIME, roughly two dozen unmasked people, including children, invaded the Ukiah Co-Op on Saturday, allegedly in protest of the store's mandated mask…
