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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters To The Editor

BRAUTIGAN: WARTS & ALL Editor, Make no mistake about it: I love Richard Brautigan. I really love Richard Brautigan. He was as much a part…

Letters to the Editor

BAJA NEWS Editor, Our next trip was to travel from Baja Norte to Baja Sur in search of the Grey Whale. These whales travel from…

Letters To The Editor

THE END OF ENLIGHTENMENT Editor, I’d like, with your permission, to respond to two letters and one article in the AVA of 4 April 2012.…

Letters To The Editor

CHRIS DIAZ'S COERCED PLEA “They had me locked in seg… coerced into doing things I would not normally have done.” — Chris Diaz, letter from…

Letters To The Editor

CHRIS DIAZ UPDATE Texas marijuana defendant, Chris Diaz, age 22, in poor health from advanced asthma most of his young life, is a legitimate medical…

Letters To The Editor

BOONVILLE HOMEBOY Dear Editor, I want to thank the good home town newspaper of Boonville for keeping me informed on what is going on around…

Letters To The Editor

A QUIZ FOR CHEESE-BRO Editor, "Hales Grove" Road Number one. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of its abandonment, 1962. Several years ago I read a book…

Letters To The Editor

INTOLERABLE Editor, So classic: your nephew hosts Barack Obama and you were busy walking around north beach, probably for the better, I’m sure you would…

Letters To The Editor

DIM BULBS Justice is being served, slowly but surely. As some may recall, my truck was broken into last June at Lake Mendocino under cover…
