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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters To The Editor

There are movies I don’t like and there are movies I hate. I hated Gravity.

Letters To The Editor

WHO IS ERICK GELHAUS? Dear Editor: Enclosed, please find my research from an "Intelius Background Check" on Sonoma County deputy, Erick Gelhaus, who shot 13-year…

Letters To The Editor

BARGAIN SAFETY TRAINING Editor- The Anderson Valley Ambulance and Mendocino County Office of Education are sponsoring a 16 week training leading to certification as an…

Letters To The Editor

AFFORDABLE? To the Editor: We currently have Anthem Blue Cross with a plan called “clear protection plus 3300” they sent me a package of information…

Letters To The Editor

BACK OFF, LAFCO Editor, A few days ago I received at my residence a mailed invitation (copy attached) from LAFCO of Mendocino County. The invitation…

Letters To The Editor

CALTRANS’ BYPASS DECEIT To the editor: I agree with those who call for civility. We should listen and treat each other with respect, even when…

Letters To The Editor

FROGS KNOW Editor, I have had the privilege recently to take advantage of our excellent county bus service, Mendocino Transit Authority. There is a community…

Letters To The Editor

WHERE’S THE DEMO? Letter to the editor Where is the Democracy? is the title of this letter. Reading through Will Parish's accounts of the struggle…

Bongo Bill

Editor: My name is William Joseph Newport CDCR#K14307, aka “Bongo Bill.” This letter has been a long time coming. I was a homeless man who…
