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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Jun 10, 2015)

I read Paul Lambert’s long pompous farewell in last week’s issue. It is good news that “family matters call me and my wife back to Southern California.” Oh dear, really, “Paul”?

Letters (Jun 3, 2015)

There has been for many years talk, on and off, of bringing a water and or septic system to various parts of the Anderson Valley.

Letters (May 27, 2015)

If you all would ever get beyond your knee-jerk reactions w/re to Fort Bragg's politics, you might discover the elements behind the recall of the Mayor are much more sinister than you currently appreciate.

Letters (May 20, 2015)

My first memory was living in a two-story house in Humboldt County in a town called Hydesville. I remember hearing the smacking sounds of my father hitting my mother and screaming at her as I hid behind the curtains of the living room window. I prayed to my grandma because I had no concept of God. When she was around my father did not hurt me or my mother.

Letters (May 13, 2015)

For quite a few years, I too hand-picked the snails and slugs from my ravaged plants, rewarding myself with the modest satisfaction of taking them next door to my neighbor's house and feeding them to his chickens. The gastronomic frenzy induced in the average flock by the arrival of a few dozen fresh snails is something to behold. If you've ever wondered where the earth's dinosaurs really went, you need search no further: all they did was get a bit smaller and grow feathers.

Letters (May 6, 2015)

Today is Earth Day and I'm still in a state of shock after attending the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday concerning the use of the herbicide imazapyr to destroy the noncommercial tanoak, madrones and shrubs by the Mendocino Redwood Company.

Letters (Apr 29, 2015)

We are all paying the "Fire Prevention Fee" to the State Board around now - I encourage everyone to do what we did, and enclose a note with your check to them along the lines of "Make MRC stop using their dangerous ‘hack and squirt’ tree removal!

Letters (Apr 22, 2015)

It is with great distress that the Anderson Valley Unity Club writes to you about the loss of resident deputy service to our valley. We wish to request your aid in rectifying this impossible public crisis.

Letters (Apr 15, 2015)

A campaign to end intolerable levels of nocturnal noise entered a new phase in Anderson Valley today, as a citizens group called the Anderson Valley Red Eyes announces the Campaign for Quiet Nights.
