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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Aug 12, 2015)

The ground shook on August 5, 2015. No it wasn't an earthquake. It was a momentous decision made by the California Fish & Game Commission to end the long held practice of bobcat trapping in the State of California.

Letters (Aug 5, 2015)

In our review of the California Elections Code it has come to our attention that City Council has the ability to put the Initiative Prohibiting Social Service Organizations in the Central Business District on the November ballot by Resolution.

Letters (July 29, 2015)

When I ran for city council against Scott Dietz and Doug Hammerstrom I never could figure out why they were running. Now it is four years later, I still have no idea. At the time of the election they did not seem to be overly interested in any kind of an issue. Scott made the point that he understood budgets, having worked for the bus company in a financial capacity somehow.

Letters (July 22, 2015)

I remember a Ukiah where there was no mentally ill, drunks, or drug addicts roaming the streets and embarrassing city council members. No county supervisor had to take it upon himself to rid the streets of the homeless and the mess they create. There was no urine or feces left for shopkeepers to have to clean up and there was none of those dreaded shopping carts strung all over town.

Letters (July 15, 2015)

After reading David Severn’s “Balo’s Barn” (AVA, June 24) article, I’m not surprised that this County is no different than the US government. Let’s face it: If you have the privilege of wealth you can do anything you want. Just look at Anderson Valley!

Letters (July 8, 2015)

Last week the Ukiah Daily Journal reported that Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency has delayed its implementation of Laura’s Law, which was scheduled to begin July 1, citing more time was needed to put the program in place.

Letters (July 1, 2015)

Does the Gualala River have 25,000 gallons per day to spare, in addition to ongoing diversions during yet another historical critical drought year?

Letters (June 24, 2015)

I just read in the UDJ that Ukiah’s newly hired City Manager has negotiated an open-ended contract, with total benefits starting at $251,699 per year. Wow! That’s nearly six times the estimated median household income in Ukiah for 2012 of $42,539. At no less than 10% more than the highest paid department head, is it any wonder that the city can’t afford to fill the potholes in it’s streets?

Letters (June 17, 2015)

Hello to all those out in Mendoland. I feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. When I first fell I kept clicking my heels thinking there's no place like home, there's no place like home, although I did not have the ruby red slippers. Having spent most of my life in Alaska, I was thinking I must have fallen down the rabbit hole. Really, the entire populace is like no other. I say that with the utmost respect. Where was I? Oh yes. This is your non-local soon-to-be loco local in the local, that is a resident — "It Takes All Kinds" / "Welcome to California Mr. Caldwell." Mr. Arik Caldwell. My friends call me shithead. You can call me whatever you like. I'll more than likely answer.
