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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters to the Editor 10/28/2009

APPRECIATING HISTORY I Letter to the Editor, Our Enclosure Project is well under way! We want to extend thanks to the many donors that are making this project a reality: The Miner-Anderson Founda­tion, Anderson Valley…

Why is Tim in jail?

Editor, My soon to be wife and I  find ourselves in an unfor­tunate situation due to Mendocino County detectives failure to perform their full duties as peace officers. My name is Tim Taber and I…

Jail Censorship

To the editor, I'm in the Mendocino County Jail. I want to let you know that on Thursday October 8 when the Ukiah Daily Journal and the Santa Rosa Press Democ­rat reported on a deputy…

Letters to the Editor 10/21/2009

FIFTY YEARS AGO Editor, We now have the same liberty as an anarchist would have had in Mussolini's Italy in 1939. It seems like 1939 in Mendocino, or like the last days of the Weimar…

The Wonder Years

Dear Editor, Aging is a process no one can deny. It begins the moment we are born and continues until the day we die. Though some try to prolong life, aging will even­tually take its…

Letters to the Editor 9/9/2009

DI-FI’S MISINFORMATION Editor, I received the following response to a letter from senator Feinstein: Dear Mr. Blankfort: Thank you for writing to express your concerns about Israel's decision to redirect a ship [with emergency medical…


Editor, This is about the Clinton Smith case farce. How is it that a 38-year old grown man and school teacher is considered not be in control of the situation with a 15 year old…
