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Posts published in “from the archives…”

Carlotta Revisited

I went to Carlotta, that little mill town in Humboldt County, on November 15. Exactly two months ago myself and 1032 others were arrested for trespassing at this same location. This was, ostensibly, a rally…

Men at Love

I was reluctant to attend the men's retreat at the Mendocino Woodlands last month, even though it was organized by Steve Siler, a highly regarded teacher and therapist. Several years ago, in describing a similar…

Bombing Case Evidence to be Revealed

After years of pre-trial wrangling, Bari vs. Held, our lawsuit against the FBI and Oakland Police for their handling of the 1990 car-bombing, has finally reached a turning point. On November 22, in a hearing…

I Am Cuba

Port Townsend, Washington, 10/17/96 — If there really is a culture war raging in the US — right vs. left, hippies vs. rednecks, New Age vs. Old Country, etc., this little town of 7,000 people…

The “Power” Con

Bumper Sticker Idea of the Week: CONSUMERS SUCK. Chuck Berry may have been something of a visionary if not a leftist in the rock-and-roll 50s. (He invented rock-and-roll music simply by being a rhythm-and-blues musician…

Politically Incorrect

Months ago, I was shopping at the Fortuna Safeway with Marilyn, my wife of 30 years. At the checkout counter, we were idly looking at a copy of the National Enquirer. The screaming headline over…

Interviews with Ralph Nader and Judi Bari, KPFA, 8/28/96

Cris Welch: We’re joined on the telephone by Ralph Nader, consumer advocate and presidential candidate, who took out an ad in the papers last week and wrote a letter to the president of the United…

Those Damn Californians

I’m sick of all this Baby Boomer crap, the endless articles and quotes from the likes of Christopher Hitchens telling me, who just turned 50, who I am, what I do, and what I’m like.…
