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Posts published in “Essays”

The Age of Distracti-pression

A grotesque computer-generated graphic covered the front page of the Sunday Styles section —nothing but bottles of glossy, rainbow-colored pills. It alerted readers to a piece on page 5, where Casey Schwartz mused on why…

Pig Crossing

This morning I was roused out of a sound and rare sleep by my wife blowing her nose. It was 2:18am. With our 1.25 year old enduring the trials of cutting teeth, we haven't been…

A Great Endeavor

I wish I had a time machine. I would teleport a small delegation of Ben Franklin, Tom Jefferson, and Button Gwinnett from their sweltering labors at Independence Hall — then known as the Pennsylvania state…

Bonus Track: Radar

He wears granny glasses, not to be hip bought him a paperback Tao Te Ching A Specialist 4 on a Korean trip Oh, Radar O’Reilly of thee I sing If Hot Lips is snitching and…

The Routine Bilking of Soldiers

Fort Campbell, on the Kentucky/Tennessee border, is home to the 101st Airborne Division. “Go out Gate 5 at Fort Campbell and Jenna’s Adult Superstore is right across the street.” So begins Ron Lieber’s tour through…

Making Oil Refiners Disclose Profits

As I reported to you last month, there’s a proposed law that would require oil refiners to disclose their per gallon profits on a monthly basis. The bill recently already passed out of the California…

And In The End, A Marlboro

Someone said “the unexamined life is not worth living” but if we scrutinized our own we’d mostly realize the whole existence thing was hardly worth the bother. Examine this: Why does it take so long…

Teleprompter to the Stars

Graphics in the Times are usually mediocre and many take up more than half a page – a total waste of ink and newsprint. But the front-page photo on June 25 was poignant and revealing.…

Lies Versus Lives

In one of the more memorable phrases ever uttered in a headline Washington event, a uniformed, “handsome” young military man will long be in memory. When questioned about his mission to the Middle East, he…
