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Posts published in “Essays”

People Are Still Getting Fired

Working people have inordinate leverage in this economy, according to the corporate media. It’s the time of “The Great Resignation” (a silly pun on “the great migration” of black people from the South seeking a…

Read My Lips: ‘No Mo’ Taxes’

Here we go again because here they come again with their hands out and palms up, looking for more money because they spent all the other money.  County supervisors want us to open our hearts,…

The Crystal Corridor

I sometimes think that this is my punishment for all those years of intermittent amphetamine addiction. Now, in my abstinent old age, I end up here in the Crystal Corridor… I mean the Anderson Valley.…

Cold Songs For Kit

How to get the kids to dig the bard? The pandemic devastated theatre and cinema, but by the time Covid struck the young folks had already been in full retreat to small screens and clickbait.…

California’s First Legal Indian Killer

UC Hastings’ namesake, Serranus Clinton Hastings, is implicated in the massacre of hundreds of Yuki tribe members. Hastings College of the Law was founded in San Francisco in 1878 as the first law department of…

The Prankster Stops Laughing

Roger Stone played a key role in stopping the recount of votes in Florida that would have cost George W. Bush the Presidency in 2000. He reprised his role post-Election Day in 2020 on behalf…

Where Are We?

It’s easy to lose focus. There’s understandable anger over the Supreme Court’s recent decisions on weapons possession and reproductive rights. There’s also the drumbeat: a former President sought to invalidate the system that allowed voters…

Wine Industry Must Use Less Water

On Tuesday I moderated a panel at Napa Thrives, a wine-industry conference focused on climate change. The subject of my panel was one that's been on many Californians' minds lately: water. Notwithstanding the 2 inches…

The Executioner’s Song

If you have a dog it will get old, and after that it will get really old and you’ll find yourself in the funny position of having your dog “put down.” Today is not like…
