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Posts published in “Essays”

The Comic’s Kosky

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe occupies a five-acre site in the center of Berlin. Until 1990 the area was in the No-Man’s-Land between the inner and outer sections of the Berlin Wall.…

A Death in the Neighborhood

There was a death in my neighborhood this week. It happened on Sunday. I knew it was coming. I heard her telling some one at the next table.  Gatip, the Lombard Street restaurant, was on…

The Great Divide

Intentionally or unintentionally, Congress’ elected Democratic Party leaders have won the January 6 Hearings. No matter what testimony remains to come in the final session (or sessions), the creation of the Committee was a stroke…

Philo First Settler Families: Aunt Blanche & Indian Creek

Dr. John Brown, Aunt Blanche’s grandfather, settled in Philo in 1862, during the Civil War. His family had migrated to California, along with Iowa neighbors, the Prathers and Ingrams, in 1863. Brown family roots go…

History of Health Insurance

Given current negotiations between Adventist Health and Anthem Blue Cross, I thought it might be interesting to exam how our health care system came to rely upon health insurance as an integral component of providing…

Not Working

This summer’s weather is perfect now in the Hudson Valley: warm, sunny days for primping the garden and cool nights that invite deep sleep. Zucchini and cukes are coming on, along with currants, gooseberries, blueberries.…

Drought & Heat Relief Tips

Given California’s ongoing drought conditions and prospects for dry seasons to come, it’s time we took a hard look at steps average Ukiahans can take to help. Timely tips: 1) Prepare now for spikes in…

Lived Here

My Birth State can’t possibly drive interest -ed parties, I insisted, on walking most days Across the freeway medianed grocery store. I wrote toward whatever fed my timed Stays at universities. With this padded resume,…

A Forgotten White Reporter

Mark Kellogg, who is now largely forgotten, was the only reporter who accompanied Lieutenant Colonel George Custer and his troops in June 1876 when they clashed with Indian warriors…
