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Posts published in “Essays”

Clowns In Sri Lanka

I work for the Hong Kong Red Cross in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. My title is Volunteer Construction Delegate. Way back in February I wrote about arranging to have Clowns Without Borders do a show in…

The Press Democrat’s ‘Get Vroman’ Campaign

I read Mike Geniella's May 24, 2006, article on Norm Vroman in the Press Democrat. Before that article was published, I kept silent to the press about the Mendocino County District Attorney's race, as have…

Don’t Bite the Hands that Feed Us

This much is clear about the confusing many-sided debate over immigration law reform: Whatever Congress finally comes up with — if it manages to come up with anything — is certain to victimize hundreds of…

The Massacre at Ludlow

It began at 10 o’clock on that morning of April 20, 1914, in the southern Colorado town of Ludlow. National guardsmen, professional gunmen and others high on a hillside unleashed a deadly stream of machine-gun…

Privatizing Public Water

Nearly 8% of the planet's population (400 million people) now drink privatized water — but the numbers are not big enough for the world's water merchants. Glacial government bureaucracies and increasing non-governmental agency pressure is…

Of Bicycles and Oil Wars

Behold the hills of Marin. The stately redwoods grow tall and prosper, and they provide shelter for myriad birds and shade for the ferns on the forest floor. A squirrel runs outward on a branch…

OFF THE RECORD: Hospital Footnotes

A FEW FOOTNOTES to Mr. Sanicki's report on the independent audit presented to the Coast District Hospital Board last week. Four people commissioned the audit — Tom Birdsell, Mike Dell'Ara, Richard Miller and Vince Taylor,…
