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Posts published in “Essays”

Sports Notes

Congratulations to both Flick McDonald and Steve Sparks for coaching their respective Girls' Volleyball and Boys' Soccer teams to Championship seasons for the Anderson Valley High School Panthers. Both of these teams are the result…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. So how was your Turkey Day? Exces­sive and over-the-top, I hope. Here at The Nest it was a beautifully messy affair and…

My Black Heroes

“A hero is someone who understands the responsibil­ity that comes with his freedom.” — Bob Dylan The black athlete I am currently most enamored of is Michael Vick, the quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles who…

Semper Fi, Barack! Obamabush

After nearly two years out, I can imagine George W. Bush writing his successor the following letter: Dear President Obama: As you know I’ve been peddling my book Decision Points and while doing interviews, people…

Run, Russ, Run

"What do the next two years hold?” I asked in my col­umn in The Nation, right after the November 2 elec­tions. “Already there are desperate urgings from progres­sives for Obama to hold the line. Already…

Richard Kruse & The Dumpster Divers

Debbie Kruse, beleaguered wife of Richard Kruse, the accused child molester from Albion, called the other day. In a chipper voice Mrs. Kruse thanked us for plac­ing photos of her husband and an appealing dog…
