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Posts published in “Essays”

Frank’s Funeral

 Just back from Frank's funeral. I'll never put my friends through that. Frank was Catholic, like most Mexicans. Juanita, Frank's wife, is Baptist. and Black. So we hauled Frank's ass in the hearse from one…

Bird’s Eye View 11/18/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I thought it was an excellent Veterans Day gesture by The Boonville Lodge last week when they bought a drink for any…

Too Old

A while back, I had the honor of meeting a pair of sisters in an area nursing home. Little sister was 99 years old and big sister was 104. As I congratulated the pair, a…

The Cloverdale Road

Dear Cloverdale Road, I won’t say it’s been too long, but even now my feelings are mixed. Over the years our relationship has been complicated, happy, tumultuous. With you I have endured banality, adventure and…

Bird’s Eye View 11/11/2009

 Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. Public Service Announcements #115: The monthly meeting of the Independent Career Women will take place next Wednesday, Nov 18th at Lauren’s Restaurant at…

Labor Hampered By ‘Vetoes Of Silence’

Nothing is more basic to our democratic society than the principle of majority rule. But what if the eligible voters who fail to cast ballots were automatically recorded as voting “no”? Ridiculous as it sounds,…

Taking Back the Mendocino Arts Center

The good news: Attorney Brandt Stickel has been removed as President of the Board of Directors of the Mendocino Art Center (subsequently resigning) and a new slate of officers have been elected. The new officers…

Too Fat To Fight

If Jonathan Swift traveled to the United States today, he would surely ditch the little guys, the big guys and the horses and just feature Gulliver being squashed flat by enormously fat people. I drive…
