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Posts published in “Essays”

Mendocino County’s First Christmas

  Christmas Eve is with us and Christmas Day will follow. Most of us will observe the holidays in one way or another. I can remember the first Christmas tree I ever saw. It was…

The Gift Of The Old Guy

1. RAY, a slender man of eighty-two, his white hair sparse, gazes out the bus window at the passing fields. He is lost in thought, truly lost, unaware of who he is or where he’s…

A Nation Of Lone Nuts

How exceptional is the U.S.A.? Shall we count the ways? It is definitely exceptional that we can expect, on a regular basis, guys with multiple guns to walk into schools, shopping malls and even restaurants…

Aesop’s Fables Quiz

There are well over 600 Aesop's Fables. Some are well known. Some are obscure. Here are a few of them. We'll give you the fable, you tell us what he moral is. (Note: Since the…

We Are All Customers

This photo was posted on The Other 98%'s facebook page tagged "An important safety tip." I get the importance of shock value. This photo caught my eye not just because my aunt was soliciting her…

Scenes From A Marriage

Constance Gee's just published memoir, Higher Education: Marijuana at the Mansion, is a terrific book. (Her last name is pronounced with a hard G, as in clarified-butter ghee.) The title refers to the fact that while…

News From The North

Pros & Cons Of Reggae Fest Having outgrown its Benbow Lake Recreation Area venue, the Reggae on the River music festival is seeking a return to its French’s Camp location and the county’s Planning Commission…
