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Posts published in “Essays”

A Clarification on the Death of Jeanne Huckins

In a recent story I wrote about Jeanne Huckins--a Fort Bragg woman who was found dead in early January and whose death was recently ruled a suicide--I quoted, and paraphrased, a Fort Bragg police sergeant,…

T’was A Famous Victory

“Cleopatra's nose, had it been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed.” So wrote Pascal, remembering how Caesar and Mark Anthony, those mighty generals of the Roman Empire, were captivated by…

The Dreams of the Supervisors

Last Monday’s long-anticipated Budget Workshop began with 40-plus people wanting to tell the Board of Supervisors to spare certain services from the budget axe – the Willits library, the County Museum, the Coast Animal Shelter…

Farm To Farm

I was planning to plant peas Sunday morning. The moon was nearly full and therefore it should be a good time to put seeds in the ground to sprout. It was also a good time…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Happy Easter, Christians! I was once reliably informed by a man who lived next door to a woman who had a cousin…

Striped Bass Attack

Striped bass came under direct attack in early March when a Bakersfield Republican introduced legislation that would eliminate all striped bass regula­tions, protection and habitat improvement with the goal of knocking the nonnative species into…

$1200 Per Catch?

There are certain moments which will always stand out in the mind of Minnesota Twins fans. Where were you when the Twins made it to the World Series in 1987 by beating the Detroit Tigers…

A Boy in Church: Alone With Father Tom

The photo — this one in the New York Times, above the fold — had an uncanny vintage look to it: there on the front page was a black-and-white photo­graph from 1960—the first black-and-white that…

Abortions For Some, Government-Mandated Enemas For Others

I celebrated the passage of the health care reform bill by going to see a movie about the Republican vision for health care. “Repo Men,” starring Jude Law and Forest Whitaker, portrays a dystopian future…
