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Posts published in “Essays”

Log Rustling, Fort Bragg Style

How an enterprising fisherman and timber worker lost almost half a million in lumber on the Mendo Coast.

Farm To Farm

The watermelon seeds finally showed up on Thurs­day, after a month of waiting and harassing the people in the office at United Genetics, or whatever the company name is. Evidently they'd never done business with…

Where’s The Outrage?

It was late Thursday afternoon in Ukiah and the Rooster’s ass is double dragging. Only one thing left to go, a couple Mexican flags for the house he can use on May Day and Cinco…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly I shall begin. When it rains, it pours. And I’m not talking about the weather. No, I’m referring to another very popular topic of debate around…

In Praise Of Rest Areas

On the way down to a Twins game a couple of weeks ago, I stopped at a rest area along US Highway 10 just east of Detroit Lakes. Tucked on a hillside in lake country,…

Battering Pollyanna

I am amazed that I have never even been in an Oldsmobile. Cadillacs, Gremlins, Jaguars, GMCs — I even drove a Ferrari once — but not a nanosecond in an Oldsmobile. This is to acknowledge…

The Ukiah Legalization Forum: Mainstreaming Marijuana

In response to worries among the cannabis community about how legalization would affect the pocketbooks of growers and the region at large, the Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board (MMMAB) convened a forum and workshop in…
