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Posts published in “Essays”

Men In Dresses

If I be not in a state of Grace, I pray God place me in it; If I be in it, I pray God keep me so. — Jean D’Arc Various accounts of the life…

August Adventures

I have been at a loss as to how to go from a post about death to justabout anything else.  Suffice to say my dear friend is no longer using her hospital bed.  She went…

When Pot And Wine Merge

California is in the slo-mo process of merging wine and marijuana into two branches of the same Intoxication industry. The merger is still in its early stages, but the outlines of it are starting to…

High & Low Dudgeons, Hidden Agendas, & Bad Vibes Generally

Wednesday night’s Community Services District meeting at the Boonville Firehouse was uncharacteris­tically testy, and grew testier as the evening wore on as trustees traded verbal jabs with each other and aimed a couple of body…

Old-Time Music Hits Boonville

The Golden Old-time Music Camp-Out came to Boon­ville last weekend for the second time. It used to be in Yreka, way up north. This is the second music festival to relocate to Boonville in the…

This is What Success Looks Like

The last American combat brigade in Iraq has left the country, so the Pentagon announced this week. The 40,000 personnel from 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division began crossing into Kuwait August 19. The US…

In The ‘Range Of Light’: Beauty & Horror, Illuminated

“The Sierra Nevada is one mountain range, 430 miles long and 40 to 80 miles wide ... a 25,000-square mile construction with granite cliffs as walls, wildflowers as carpet, and a star-studded sky as the…

Ode To Air Conditioning

Willis Haviland Carrier invented modern air condi­tioning in 1902. Although Mr. Carrier probably doesn't deserve a national holiday, an occasional moment of silence in his honor wouldn't hurt, especially after last week. Sure, we don't…

Shining a Light On The Kent State Shootings of 1970

On August 7 and 8, the Kent State Truth Tribunal (KSTT) traveled to San Francisco to record and preserve narratives from west coast-based original witnesses to and participants in the 1970 Kent State shootings. My…
