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Posts published in “Essays”

Triumph Of Will

When a friend tells you he is going to make a feature film, it’s rather like hearing him say he plans to climb Mt. Everest. You immediately want to mention the obvious fact, already known…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 10

From my back door the view stretched at least 30 or 40 miles. The hills fell away until they reached the Eel River, then began to climb again until they turned into the full-fledged mountains…


As the local and state and national and global economies continue to stagger under the weight of debt, real and imagined, and seven billion hungry humans vie for space and food and air and water…

A Game To Remember

It was one of those epic high school football games that local fans won't soon forget, and the boys who played it will never forget. In a driving rain on a muddy field at the…

Amsterdam Holiday, Part 6

Maybe the weed is stronger here, but I was getting down on myself a lot today, wondering if I appeared as criminally suspect as my ex-con stepbrother Tim did in his recent Greece vacation pictures.…

At Crown Hall, My First Rap Concert

Halloween didn’t officially begin for me at Saturday night’s rap concert at Mendocino’s Crown Hall. It more or less kicked off at the Laundromat in Fort Bragg that afternoon when a doughy, busty white thing…

Green, Cheap, Now

Paul Fenn, founder of Local Power Inc., talks about the campaign to bring low-carbon energy to Sonoma County.

Superhumans & Populists In Mt. Shasta: Who Has The Rights?

It may not only be greatly symbolic, but critically fundamental that the gathering movement for local communities to assert their rights to self determine what goes on in the environment has begun at the foot…

Quo Vadis, OWS?

The question confronting the Occupy Wall Street encampments and their offshoots in scores of cities and towns around the country is quo vadis? Where is it going? This decentralized, leaderless civic initiative has attracted the…
