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Posts published in “Essays”

A Dream Called Hell

You know you’re in trouble when the clouds turn green and start spinning on a vortex. You really should’ve gotten out of there by now. But you can’t move or sense your body. You can…

Fifteen Years After 215

Occasionally the iron heel comes down on people who are widely respected and/or have the resources and will to fight back effectively.  “The feds have overreached,” says Steve DeAngelo, who runs Harborside Health Center in…

Mucho Car

It's gone forever, my beloved Triumph Spitfire, that classic, marvelous looking British sports car that never ran anywhere near as well as it looked. Pearl white it was, with black trim. Pretty. But noisy, roaring…

Rock Is Dead

The Doors might have been the first musical discovery of my own youth; after glomming onto my big sister's Beatles, Stones, and yes, Monkees records, I bought all I could by The Doors. My choice…


Someone broke into our car last week while we were in Cotton Auditorium for another marvelous Symphony of the Redwoods concert, Marcia in the orchestra, I in the audience. I left our car unlocked, having…

Moral & Immoral Illness

When I was diagnosed with throat cancer, I read up on alternative treatments, of which there are many. Somehow I had a strong intuitive sense that eating grapes or drinking tons of carrot juice was…

The Oakland General Strike

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell On the morning of November 2nd 2011, I drove northbound on Interstate 880 towards Oakland. We were coming from Santa…

Feds Ain’t Lovin It

For many years the relationship between the federal government and the jurisdictions that decided to tax and regulate cannabis was essentially "don't ask, don't tell." This discreet arrangement ended in the winter of 2010-11 when Oakland's plan to license four huge indoor grows became national news.

He’s No Bill Clinton!

As he prepares to follow Gov. Rick Perry into the oubliette of campaign history Herman Cain can at least console himself that as an alleged harasser of women, his was certainly a classier act than…
