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Posts published in “Essays”

I Just Stood Still

People ask how a once open-minded, tolerant, caring liberal Democrat such as I could possibly become a rigid, ignorant hate-filled conservative.  Tell Us O Tell Us how it came to pass that the same man…

Out Of The Lab And Into The Streets

Recently, AI (Artificial Intelligence), with its access to the entire web library, was asked to make a short film creating a probable encounter between humans and the first aliens to cross the universe to visit.…

Big Boxes

For a year, I've rented a room in a comfortable but semi-dilapidated shared house, in a neighborhood that's too quiet for my tastes. I dream of moving someplace louder and more alive. Meanwhile, someplace quieter…

When China Was Communist

I always imagine writing about my China Experience, but how to even begin to tell what it was like to not just visit Mars but to live there, to work there, to be so inside…

Hurrying To Go Where I Don’t Need To Be

It seems all my friends are sick and dying, but of course that’s not true. A lot of them are already dead.  Many of those not gone are sad, frail and ailing. They shuffle, figuratively,…

Disastrous Handel

For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead…

The Dog Of The South

“What line of work are you in, Speed? “I’m back in college now. I’m trying to pick up some education hours so I can get a teaching certificate.” “What you are then, is a 30-year-old…


I have never noticed the view from the Flatiron Building before. Manhattan, if you tilt your head just right, is a strangely compelling piece of sculpture. “It’s a good thing,” my editor says, “that your…

The Sticky Rat

With my chair tilted back … and the cat in my lap, I thought I might take …a long afternoon nap, When out from the kitchen … there arose such a clatter, I put on…
