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Posts published in “Essays”

Standley v. Ketchapaw

Many Mendocino County residents have at least heard of Doc Standley, the fearless lawman of the last decades of the nineteenth century. Some may have read about Doc's son, William Harrison Standley, who was both…

Heads, Snip, Kaboom

As a resident of the hoosegow (word nerd alert: from the Spanish juzgado, court), I've been doing a lot of things I normally wouldn't for the past six-and-a-half calendars. Number one, naturally, is spending 100%…

Market Music

Music may be the food love, as Shakespeare put it at the opening of Twelfth Night, but he could also have observed that music feeds on money. A few are made rich by their devotion to…

A Nation Of Speedfreaks

Do you shudder at the sight of low-life trailer-trash crankheads driving around in their beat-up Camaros? Do you nod solemnly when one of the big tv news actors presents a piece on how methamphetamine is…

Doc Standley, A Deer & A Bear Hunt

Jeremiah “Doc” Standley arrived in California at the age of eight in 1853. He walked and rode with his family in a small wagon train that left Missouri in the spring and arrived in the…

Warning Flags On Several Fronts

Following up on last week’s column regarding the state Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) February dismal snowpack reading of a paltry 25 percent of the historical average, you can bet state officials are prepping Alternative…

Crystal Billy & The S.E.G.

I'm proud to say that I'm the one who gave Crystal Billy his nickname. Before I came along, he was just a Bill with a fairly intense relationship with meth, and while the designation may…

Olympic Music

In ancient Greece trumpet playing was an Olympic event. Herodorus of Megas had the winnings lips and lung power: beginning in 396 BCE, he won the trumpet laurels ten consecutive times. Those were fair weather…
