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Posts published in “Essays”

Tax Party!

A black, stretch limo speeds west on Low Gap Road, careens into the Mendocino County government complex, and comes to an abrupt stop. Several laughing figures rush from the building with bottles of Dom Perignon. They pile into the limo. The door remains open with the engine idling.

The 27th Annual AV Variety Show

My Friday had been long and stressful. Some extremely irritating news had arrived early on. Then there was a stubborn, hours-long, two-front confrontation with software and internet to retrieve a relatively small amount of data…

Closed to the Press

In the local uproar over the Friends of the NRA fundraiser in Fort Bragg, tickets went like wildfire. I had intended to simply buy a $60 dinner and watch from a ringside seat. I really…

The Water, Not the Power

On Friday, Feb. 23 in the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors Chambers, PG&E publicly stated its ambivalence toward continuing operation of the Potter Valley Project at the Eel-Russian River Commission. Despite rumors over the last…

California Sabs Cannabis Industry

California Assembly member Jim Wood and State Senator Mike McGuire demonstrated their incompetence before a standing room only crowd on March 1, 2018 in the Ukiah Valley Conference Center. Wood and McGuire hosted the hearing…

A Capsule History Of Class K

Sketches of the heartland — the Emerald Triangle — require that we go back to the beginning. Class K Code housing started with the back to the land movement in the early 1970s when city…

The Final Indignity

Your trusty local reporter, as always selflessly volunteering for the betterment of the community, has never been thrown out of a public meeting. But, after being asked to attend the local school district's Budget Reduction…
