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Posts published in “Essays”

The SoHum Report: Summer Solstice Weed Update

There is no market.  If you didn't get $700 a pound last month you might not get $600 now for last year's off-brand flavors. Everyone who was waiting to get more, in both the black…

‘Goddamn It, Doc, Won’t You Ever Quit!’

By the end of the first week of December, 1879, all but one of the Mendocino Outlaws resided in jail or had been killed. The lone exception, Harrison Brown, escaped the fatal shootout at a…

The Public’s Business, Anybody Listening?

Back in 1997, Gary Milliman, who at the time was Fort Bragg’s City Manager, and I were talking about a problem he was facing regarding conflicts and ethics over his involvement with the Skunk Train.…

CBD & Epilepsy

It’s already mid-March. Spring is nearly here and pot farmers are itching to plant their cash crop and pray for good weather. Any day now, Doug Gardner expects to have, up and running, one of…


I never thought about privilege, white, male, or class, when I was a kid although, sure, we were told about the starving people in Africa, China, or India when we didn't eat our broccoli.  I…

Plains Music

Before the present age when every consumer is earpodded up and equipped with a private portable movie screen, wrangling over what music to listen to on the car radio and what show to watch on…

Swearing, Language Of Morons

A couple years ago I was melting my brains while adding to future melanoma woes at Spring Training in Phoenix. It was scorching hot, or did I already say Phoenix? I was a few rows…

Another Frontier Icon: Lyle Luckert

George Zeni’s family represented, in my explorations into American family sagas, one pattern of immigration and settlement in our country.  Find the best piece of land to settle on, sink your roots, work hard, create…


Today they close early, I have to keep that in mind. Here at the library, I can easily fall asleep. Everything is so peaceful, so quiet. Every now and then though, a bum gets in…
