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Posts published in “Essays”

July Fourth Adventure

After a sleepless night in pain, seriously not one moment of sleep, I packed a small overnight bag and hauled my sorry ass up to the Garberville Emergency room. I was the only client there…

News Truck

Last day in June, 2021. 5PM in San Anselmo. Time to acquire a bottle of Valley dry white or perhaps a French Chardonnay. Which is why I'm here. Parked the Jeep and headed on foot…

Malcolm Gladwell’s Beige Skin Privilege

If 99 out of 100 non-white Americans are held back in some way by discrimination, Malcolm Gladwell is the exception that proves the rule. Would the New Yorker have launched his ascent to Billionairehood if he wasn't…

Lend Me Your Ears

Hearing activists and Americans with hearing loss alike were undoubtedly popping champagne corks in celebratory glee on August 18, 2017, when President Donald Trump signed S 934, the Reauthorization Act of 2017. Section 711 of the new…

My Day at the Beach with Reagan

Saturday, my day started with a text from my good friend Reagan Hansbury wondering what I was up to for the day. He has been into the concept of earthing, and has been certain that…

Getting Old the Elderly Way

It's fashionable to be old in America these days. Our elderly are treated with reverence tinged with envy, altogether proper for a generation that has done so much for so few: Themselves.  There's never been…

CHS is Real, Russo Finds

The International Cannabinoid Research Society's annual symposium was held by zoom June 21-24. Gone are the days when blockbuster discoveries were announced at ICRS meetings. The structure of the body's two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and…

Settler Icons: Lyle Luckert, Part II

Thinking back on the Lyle memoir I wrote last week, I realized there were clues he and Grace were getting restless living in Anderson Valley.  One of the themes we used to explore regularly in…

The SoHum Report: Summer Solstice Weed Update

There is no market.  If you didn't get $700 a pound last month you might not get $600 now for last year's off-brand flavors. Everyone who was waiting to get more, in both the black…
