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Posts published in “Essays”

Tabatha Miller’s Parting Advice

When Tabatha Miller started as Fort Bragg’s city manager in March 2018, getting the city to stick to a consistently balanced budget and handle its pension obligations better was at the top of the to-do…

Wynton Marsalis Comes Down to Earth

Wynton Marsalis is a one-man American Institution, a legally incorporated entity of vast reach, unflagging energy, and the rarest talents. He is Managing and Artistic Director of Jazz at Lincoln Center and Director of Jazz…

The Leprechaun

I once had a roadside chat with a leprechaun in Ireland - even though I don’t really believe in such creatures and was not on any sort of hallucinogenic substance at the time, at least…

The Pelosi House Appraisal

Dear Nancy:  2021 will soon gasp its last breath, providing you a timely opportunity to reflect on the year’s merciful conclusion and sketch out a to-do list for 2022:  Lessons Learned in 2021: Dump the…

Benefits to Benefit People Who Hold Benefits

Does history prove, or even suggest, that fundraising concerts or performances ever did a thing to relieve the suffering of the children, farmers, starving peasants or victims of oppression anywhere on the planet? If there…

The Sharing Economy

I’m an old geezer but my mind still works pretty well which is to say I know more about more things, from a humble understanding of how the universe works to how e-mails are distributed…

Pear Picking

I’ll tell you how it happened… I was working fruit that summer, moving from orchard to orchard, picking crops as they ripened: first apricots, then peaches, and I was picking pears when I fell in…

Free Weed!

The first recipient of my free weed came up this week with a case of organic evaporated milk I had requested from Whole Foods in Vegas. (I was expecting about twenty-four cans but it turned…
