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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

The Light in Antarctica

May 16 (1898). The long night began at twelve o’clock last night. We did not know this until this afternoon. At four o’clock Lecointe got an observation by two stars which placed us in latitude…

Robert Hughes: Art and Money

The art market we have today did not pop up overnight. It was created by the great liquidity of late twentieth-century wealth. Sell a block of shares, shift the money elsewhere. But liquids do not…

Secrets of an Art Thief

Stéphane Breitwieser robbed nearly 200 museums, amassed a collection of treasures worth more than $1.4 billion, and became perhaps the most prolific art thief in history.

South Carolina Secedes

Gentlemen: we have met here under circumstances more solemn than any of us have ever been placed in before. No one, it seems to me, is duly impressed with the magnitude of the work before…

Hollywood’s Big Night

Back in 1948, Raymond Chandler knew the score. The Oscarsby Raymond Chandler Five or six years ago a distinguished writer-director (if I may be permitted the epithet in connection with a Hollywood personage) was co-author…
