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Posts published by “Will Parrish”

People Who Belong To The Land

According to Violet Parrish Chappell, 82, traditionalist and historian of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, her people's name – their real name, not the…

Trees Don’t Read The Press Democrat

During the three-day period June 11-13, a story published on the Associated Press wire concerning a pair of massive redwood forest-to-vineyard conversions in the northwestern…

Sustainable Viticulture?

In the fall of 2008, the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources devoted an entire 88-page edition of its quarterly magazine, California…

Frost Protection’s Chilling Impact

In the next few weeks, the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) is slated to release its final draft of new regulations governing water…

Jess Jackson’s True Legacy

It was a striking display of the corporate media's capacity to dumb down and mislead: A billionaire wine mogul who perpetrated vast environmental harm and…

Doug Bosco & His Phantom Railroad

Across recent years, a State of California agency called the the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA) has been plodding ahead in its campaign to make…

What BoxCo Does Best

Doug Bosco was at the leading edge of a new generation of North Coast Democrats with pro-corporate, fiscal conservative economic policies--an extractive corporation's best friend.
