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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (Aug 6, 2014)

This week, Sunday August 10 to be precise, is the 85th Birthday of my Mother, the Venerable Vulture. While a little unsteady during flight, mentally she remains as sharp as ever and will not hesitate to point out to folks who assume, because of her advanced years, that she might be a little absent-minded, “I am old, not stupid!” She and my father, also 85, recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary and received a telegram acknowledging this achievement from the Queen of England! Imagine that. I expect the Queen will be inviting them for tea and scones at The Palace for their 70th anniversary. It would be rude of her not to, wouldn’t you say? Many Happy Returns, Mom!

Bird’s Eye View (July 30, 2014)

What a mess! Outside the bucolic bubble that is Boonville and not far beyond, the world seems to be almost spinning out of control. We have increasingly tragic events, some of which are being considered as war crimes, in regions such as the Ukraine, the Gaza Strip, Libya, and others; the spreading Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the crashing/shooting down of civilian airplanes; the continuing despicable acts by Boko Haram in Nigeria; thousands of children being held at the Mexican/US border after fleeing their drug-cartel dominated countries; and now here in California we are starting to see some large and out-of-control wildfires amidst terrible drought conditions.

Bird’s Eye View (July 23, 2014)

Pat Hulbert has been announced as The Grand Marshall at this year’s Mendocino County Fair in September. The Hulberts arrived in the Valley in the 1920s while Pat’s family on her mother’s side goes all the way back to the Beesons who were among the first white families to discover and settle in the Valley in 1851. Today, Pat is one of the family’s senior and most revered members.

Bird’s Eye View (July 16, 2014)

So another movie is about to be made featuring the Valley. This time it's an historical drama purportedly about life here in the time following the 1906 earthquake. According to producer/writer Judy Belshe-Toernblom, they started filming “Boonville Redemption” a few days ago and while most of the film is being shot elsewhere there might be some second unit shooting in Boonville at some point. The cast apparently includes such well-known performers as Ed Asner, Dianne Ladd, and, in an amazing coincidence, Pat Boone! Having visited the website, I’m still not sure what kind of message the film is sending, certainly Faith and God’s forgiveness play a part, but for a synopsis and other details go to

Bird’s Eye View (July 9, 2014)

We are beginning to see an increase in the annual visits to the Valley of those fast-driving tourists, particularly ‘Mr. Convertible Sports Car’ in his mid-60s with the 20-Something Blonde in the passenger seat, who would probably rather be at a beauty/tanning salon, and certainly wouldn’t spend a minute of her time with the boring guy sitting next to her if he drove a pick-up.

Bird’s Eye View (July 2, 2014)

On Sunday morning, as I drowned my sorrows following Mexico’s exit from the World Cup after a heart-breaking loss in the last minute to the Dutch, I tried to remember that when things seem at their lowest ebb there is a need for optimism as there is nearly always a silver-lining to be gleaned from somewhere. In this case, it was the wonderful dining experience at Coq au Vin restaurant on Sunday evening.

Bird’s Eye View (June 25, 2014)

There is a rumor spreading around town that the location which was the former home of The Boonville Lodge in central Boonville is soon to re-open as an up-market shoe store. Apparently, property owner and #1 on the Valley’s Most Wanted List, Dave “I’m Not Greedy” Johnson, is in negotiations with a couple of San Francisco gentleman who feel there is a need for high-end alligator-skin shoes, crocodile-skin boots, and lizard-skin moccasins etc. These fellows have a secret source for such materials and feel the Valley is the ideal place for their enterprise.

Bird’s Eye View (June 11, 2014)

We are sad to report that the Pronsolino Ranch on Signal Ridge loaded up their flock of sheep and drove them away for the last time this past week. After ninety years Angelo Pronsolino has called time on the shepherding days of his family’s ranch that they purchased in 1923. While it is believed that Angelo, Eileen, and the family celebrated their “retirement” with a glass of wine, I am sure there was more than a tint of sadness at the passing of an era. Great job, Angelo!

Bird’s Eye View (June 4, 2014)

A mountain lion was apparently spotted chasing a deer near to the Ranger Station in Hendy Woods last week. It’s nothing to really worry about, after all county trapper Gary Johnson tells me that if the lion wants to end your days, because of their stealth and killing skills you will never even know about it, the beast will have done the job in the blink of an eye. Yes, you’ll be admiring the wonderful trees, and the next second you’ll be a gooey mess on the forest floor. Good to know.
