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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (May 4, 2016)

Mothers Day is this coming Sunday, May 8th, a day we have set aside to show our mothers our love, affection and appreciation. It’s a lovely thing of course but hopefully something we should strive to do every day. Unfortunately we often fall short in doing so.

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 27, 2016)

What kind of new businesses do we need in AV? The answers are usually establishments such as a bank, a tasteful motel, a pharmacy, a dry cleaners, a bookstore, a carwash, a pizzeria, and my own personal choice, a lingerie shop.

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 20, 2016)

Greetings one and all. Are you are sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. Public Service Announcements. #543. There is a second Barn Sale this month,…

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 13, 2016)

My recent comments about The Donald and his controversial campaign for the Presidency have resulted in the devil incarnate, Ted Cruz, escaping my Turkey Vulture wrath, rhyme, and reason.

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 6, 2016)

Hillary Clinton is more popular than The Donald with general election voters according to “reputable polls.” However, those same polls also reflect that she still has the highest unfavorable rating, 53%, of any Democratic candidate in the past 30 years.

Bird’s Eye View (Mar 30, 2016)

As the school closes for a week, it’s always a pleasure to see some of our local schoolteachers enjoying an end-of-quarter drink or two at The Buckhorn as they were last Friday afternoon. Some odd-ball and narrow-minded folks may think this inappropriate but they would be wrong. I would much prefer it if my children were taught by a socially-comfortable person who can enjoy a beer or a glass of wine with co-workers to celebrate Spring Break, like a “normal” person, rather than by someone who disapproves of such behavior or who frowns upon those that do.

Bird’s Eye View (Mar 23, 2016)

They’re back! No, I’m not referring to the helicopter-like sound pollution of the frost protection fans used by certain Valley wineries; not yet anyway. I’m referring to the beautiful sight of blossoms on the apple trees; the delightful vistas of buttercups and daisies scattered around the hillsides; the heart-warming glimpses of lambs prancing in the pastures; and the comforting sound of the metal bats of the high school baseball team crushing balls into outfields and beyond. One and all are just some of the gloriously bucolic sights and sounds of the Valley in springtime.

Bird’s Eye View (Mar 16, 2016)

It’s St Patrick’s Day tomorrow, Thursday, March 17, and as someone who has had many, many years of experience in the bar/pub world, both as a host and customer, I feel that the Valley is a good place to be at such times. There will no doubt be a pleasant evening of imbibing to be had at The Buckhorn and perhaps some special “Irish” food items available at restaurants around the Valley, but it will be a relatively civilized affair.

Bird’s Eye View (Mar 9, 2016)

Many Valley folks heaved sighs of relief and welcomed last Friday’s appointment of Kerri Sanchez to the AV School Board, which now returns to its full quota of five trustees. Until her application was made, there had been concerns that Robert Pinoli Jr, son of high school Athletic Director and current de facto Vice Principal, Robert Sr, would be installed unopposed and thus open up a can of worms and inevitable conflicts of interest.
