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Posts published by “Todd Walton”


Our dear friend Quinton Duval died last week at the age of 61, and the world lost a most generous soul and a marvelous poet. Q, as we called him, was a quiet person and…

My Bad

I first heard the expression “My Bad” used on a bas­ketball court circa 1975. The expression most likely came into being among jazz musicians, for many of the most popular expressions emanating from black America…

Big River Spring

The copious rains of 2010 made Big River the big muddy for much of the winter, the beach in late April grandiloquent with new sand. The probable summer beachscape is shaping up to be quite…


Yesterday a tree fell on our car. Fortunately no one was in the car when the wind snapped the top third off the pine tree and a thousand pounds of soon-to-be firewood fell 20 feet…


I have read a great deal about dreams and dream­ing, and whether you believe dreams are communica­tions from the astral plane or meaningless imagery resulting from cerebral outgassing, they can certainly remind us of people…

Money Ball (Love)

Something marvelously strange is going on with my San Francisco Giants. For the first time since the decline and fall of Barry Bonds, the dead wood has been greatly minimized, money is being spent to…

Enough Already

Many of us traveling into late middle age have by now laid our parents to rest and/or moved them in with us or into transitional facilities. In so doing we have come face-to-face with the…
