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Posts published by “Todd Walton”

Creeping Up On God

So this guy goes to see a psychiatrist and after 50 minutes the psychiatrist says, “I think you’re crazy.” And the guy says, “Hey, wait…

Whales & Predictions

The news of late has been full of predictions by economists and financial prognosticators about what may befall the national and global economies in the coming year, with the dopiest among them predicting an economic recovery, the centrists predicting a general flatness in the growth graphs, and the doomsters predicting the slopes becoming so steep as to render the pyramid an obelisk.

All or Nothing

I’ve often thought ALL OR NOTHING could be our national motto, for the concept infects virtually every aspect of our political, economic, social, and emotional lives.

Scholar Jim

I wonder how Mark Twain would feel if he knew his novel Huckleberry Finn has been rewritten in such a way that the meaning of his book is entirely changed, and that such an execrable mutation of his work is about to be afflicted on the next generation of American schoolchildren.

Propaganda Of Childhood

“What we remember from childhood we remember forever — permanent ghosts, stamped, inked, imprinted, eternally seen.” — Cynthia Ozick

Slow Going

Five years ago, a few weeks before I made my move from Berkeley to Mendocino, I came within a few inches of being killed by a young man who was driving his pickup truck very fast while simultaneously using his mobile phone.


“If only we’d stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time.” — Edith Wharton November thirtieth. The weather report said Mendo­cino…

My Black Heroes

“A hero is someone who understands the responsibil­ity that comes with his freedom.” — Bob Dylan The black athlete I am currently most enamored of…

Attention Deficit Nonsense

“Tell the children the truth.” — Bob Marley 1957. Las Lomitas Elementary School. Menlo Park, California “I invite those people with ants in their pants,”…
