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Posts published by “Todd Walton”

Jehovah’s Witness

A friend recently wrote to me about his philosophical discussions with a Jehovah’s Witness, and his letter brought back boatloads of memories of my friend…

Cautionary Tales

“My stories run up and bite me on the leg, and I respond by writing down everything that goes on during the bite. When I…


Several recent conversations with friends focused on how might we counter the cyber takeover of our society while at the same time fomenting positive change and a more vibrant local community; and the answer seems to be to invite people over to share a meal and talk.

Salt & Song

“Things filled men with fear: the more things they had, the more they had to fear. Things had a way of riveting themselves on to…


“Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is.” —…

Giants & Greece

Matt Cain recently pitched a perfect game for the San Francisco Giants while Greece is in the midst of a massive economic collapse. Gregor Blanco made one of the great catches in Giants history to preserve Cain’s perfecto while Spain is in economic freefall with over 25% unemployment and Spanish real estate prices falling falling falling.

Bird In Hand

Three days ago I was settling down on the living room sofa for a much-anticipated afternoon nap, when a bird smacked into one of the seven big windows that make our living room feel so light and airy. Alas, this sickening thud usually presages a dead bird or one so stunned that our cat, if he can get outside in time, makes short work of. And so it was with some trepidation that I got up to look out the various windows to see what I could see.


I am currently in the throes of rewriting a novel I first completed in 2003, rewrote entirely in 2006, and then did not touch for…

No Honeybees

“The busy bee has no time for sorrow.” — William Blake I am not a master gardener. I’ve been growing vegetables and flowers and herbs…
