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Posts published by “Spec MacQuayde”

Hoefest 2014

A gentle rain keeps me company in the wee hours as I pen these words. We desperately needed it. Throughout May and June, storms danced…

My Life In Mendonesia

Watermelons are setting fruit as temperatures finally climb into the lower nineties. This year I planted a new hybrid seedless variety from Johnny’s Select Seeds…

Farm To Farm

Country inhabitants of the Ohio river valley have endured the most arduous winter in memory, at least for people 77 years and younger. While the…

Farm To Farm

Friday I emerged from bed a couple hours after noon, made a pot of tea and went out back to toss a loaf of cheap…

Farm To Farm

With the exception of a few heat waves in mid July that never lasted more than a couple days in the mid nineties, the unusually…

Farm To Farm

Temperatures are finally climbing into the mid-90s after one of the coldest, most overcast, lingering springs on recollection. Summer crops are thirsting for sunshine. Thanks…

The Reno Gang

From October 6, 1866, until February of 1869, the nation's newspapers carried headlines covering the saga of the world's first train robbers and the apparent…

Weeds Fight Back

They're coming back. Armed with cactus-like spines, battle axes, sending their weapons long-range to drift in the autumn winds, the weeds are reclaiming fields of…

Farm To Farm

Dry, scorching days have sent watermelon vines running, sweet corn stalks shooting. I've been irrigating broccoli, sugar snap peas, and carrots overnight, the first harvests…

Farm To Farm

I was barefoot, shirtless, soaking in the sun while my eyes tried to focus on the spindly carrot sprouts protruding from warm sand, deliberating to…

Farm To Farm

Sunday afternoon I contemplated doing something productive, but decided against. Carrot sprouts are slowly emerging in the sand that is still moist after recent rains.…
