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Posts published by “Mike Geniella”

State Attorney General To DA Eyster: You Deal With It

The state Attorney General’s Office announced Tuesday it has turned down Mendocino County District Attorney Dave Eyster’s bid to be recused from deciding whether ousted…

The Ukiah Police Chief Saga

The unofficial word is that former Ukiah Police Chief Noble Waidelich won’t face any criminal charges stemming from an investigation into a woman’s criminal complaint…

State AG to Review Waidelich Case

The state Attorney General’s Office confirmed Thursday that it is assessing whether Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster is free of potential conflicts in deciding…

With Art

Gaye LeBaron, the noted North Coast history writer, recalled the time she sat down in a booth at the Palace Hotel restaurant with Barbara Eversole…

A Life In The Performing Arts: Paulette Arnold

A half century ago Duke University graduate Paulette Arnold arrived in Ukiah, one of the ‘back to landers’ who would transform the cultural landscape of…

How A Dirty Cop Got Off

In a surprising twist to the Kevin Murray case, a newly released report discloses that Sonoma County probation was hampered from considering a stronger recommended…

Giving Credit Where It Is Due

Remember a month ago when Mendocino County Supervisors created an uproar by asking the state Controller to step in and take a hard look at…

What Say, Mr. DA?

Disgraced former Ukiah Police Sgt. Kevin Patrick Murray is home breathing a deep sigh of relief today, thanks to his high-powered team of expensive Santa…

DA Demands Jail Time For Murray

In a last-minute move, Mendocino County prosecutors are for the first time publicly urging jail time for a disgraced Ukiah police sergeant who is to…
