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Posts published by “Marilyn Davin”

Judicial Review

Public anger over judge and jury decisions is as old as the creation of the three branches of American government. Fortunately we haven’t yet reached…


Beginning in the 1980s but gathering steam in the mid-to-late 1990s, American doctors turned millions of their chronic pain-suffering patients into opiate dependents. There was…

Some Crimes Never End

Criminal trials for the most part follow a well-established trajectory. First there’s the arrest, then the arraignment, then the detention arrangements, then the pre-trial motions,…

Homeless In Paradise

It’s that time of year again. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is busy tabulating the nation’s official homeless count following January’s nationwide…

The Way It Works

A ragged 10-year-old boy is picking barefoot through an ocean of trash, patiently searching for anything of value that his family can turn into food…
