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Posts published by “Marilyn Davin”

Rating Mendo Schools

U.S. educational policy has been in freefall for the past two decades. There was the wildly unpopular No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which…

Maureen ‘Mo’ Mulheren

If you’re a politician these days it’s hard to separate yourself from the pack. Everybody wants better schools, affordable healthcare, a livable wage, an unpolluted…

The Making of an Activist

What makes an activist? You can take any group of like-minded liberals and some at the inactive end of the spectrum will become couch potatoes…

Breaks for Fire Victims

Eighteenth century judge and philosopher Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu is credited with first developing the concept of the letter and the spirit of…

Jerry Philbrick

My curiosity finally got the best of me. After reading Comptche resident Jerry Philbrick’s almost weekly letters to the AVA I just had to meet…


Born and raised in Mendocino County, Mendocino County Detective Sergeant Luis Espinoza has spent the last eight years in local law enforcement, most recently in…

Pot Laws 2018

A lot has changed pot-wise since my high school days when we sneaked off down trails deep into the woods, clutching our tiny matchboxes filled…
