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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

The Withering Look

Ukiah Attorney Al Kubanis delights in his work. He’s the oldest practicing defense lawyer in the county, perhaps the region – right up there with…

A Willits Business Dinner

Going back a few weeks to the preliminary hearing for the three defendants from Oakland accused of a Willits home invasion robbery early last July…

Assault at the Sunrise

The homeless camps in Ukiah are not far off the beaten path. The beaten path, for those who have never been homeless in Ukiah, goes…

Home Invasion Season Opens Early, Or…

Rural sharpies could easily lure young city dudes to Mendoland using a cache of last year’s unsold marijuana as bait, pull out a gun at the right moment (say, when the buyer complains about the freshness of the product), get the drop on the city boys, take their money then sic the police on the suckas by calling 911 and yelling, “We were just robbed by home invaders.”

Cat Lady Syndrome, Equine Division

“Are you from the newspaper?” “Uhmhumn, I am.” “Hello, I’m Anne Delaquadra.” “Nice to meet you.” “Are you with the Ukiah paper?” “No, the one…

Hello Severity, Good-Bye Leniency

Mendo’s new Public Defender Jeffery Aaron has yet to make his debut at the courthouse in Ukiah, but the place has been running smoothly without him, and the District Attorney told us that he, David Eyster, had already met Mr. Aaron and thoroughly approved of the choice. 
