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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

The Reign Of King David

It seems the District Attorney tried to pull a fast one on a kid who had been locked up since he was 14, and now, seven years later, at 21, the kid was fresh out.

Let’s Play Doctor

Last Friday the District Attorney and one of the Judges added medical doctor to their usual job descriptions. It was pretty amazing, really, but all kinds of fantastic changes are underway in the judicial system,…

Bad Hat Ranch

James Pasco and Patrick Johnson had an enviable little dope op going on Guidiville Road, Ukiah, featuring nearly 500 marijuana plants, 31 pounds of processed bud and almost a full pound of hash. It was…

Judge Nelson’s Courtroom

The Honorable David Nelson is about the best judge any reasonable criminal can hope for. And for those of us who obey the laws with at least some regularity, we, too, can be thankful for…

The Hungry Hollow Gunslinger

When Brandon Johnson arrived in court for his sentencing last Friday, he hardly looked the part of a gunslinger. In fact, the guerilla growers and bush hippies of Hungry Hollow, Philo, would have had to…

Alcohol & Other Drug Programs

The President’s State of the Union Address pointed up the specter of income disparity and the need for a boost in the minimum wage to narrow the gap. He practically got on his knees and…
