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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

Murder At The Campground

The dispatcher heard it all, the 911 murder of Jose Madrid by Glenn Hughes. It was recorded live early last New Year’s morning, and replayed…

Trail Of Destruction Leads To A Lizard Cage

A young fellow named Jimmy Allen was sentenced last Friday to four years in prison for vehicular homicide. He'd plowed drunk into another vehicle, killing…

When Love Has Fled

Funny how domestic abuse can coincide with tax time.

An estranged couple by the name of Dolan has three or more kids between ’em, and one half of the former couple has been on an above-the-table payroll all year, so there’s a big refund check in the mail box any day now.

Hug A Kid, Go To Jail

So, this guy gives a kid a hug in a Ukiah laundromat and real fast he's a certified cho-mo. “Oh, come on,” you say. “There’s…

She Said, She Said

Richard Kruse was found guilty of child molestation last Tuesday night after nearly two years of his inevitable conviction. It’s been over four years since…

Cho-Mo Or Freelance Child Healer?

Richard F. Kruse of Albion is charged with lewd and lascivious acts with a minor child, and he’s widely suspected of having been at it…

‘He Was Big & I Was Small’

The trial of accused Albion child molester Richard Kruse is finally getting underway after many delays and attorney changes. It's not looking good for Kruse…

Keeping A Poor Man Down

It was just possible to get 25-to-life for this poor guy by taking the strike offense and applying it creatively to the new charges, to stretch this latest crime to the limit.
