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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

The People v. Will Parrish

The phylogenetic morphallaxis of certain dendrophiles as they impinge upon the oscine avifauna specific to Little Lake Valley has caused considerable consternation among the more…

The Pitiless Light Of Publicity

The case of The People vs. The Crane Sitter has been assigned to Matthew Hubley, a trial deputy from the District Attorney’s office. The Crane…

The Jury Got Robbed

The courtroom can be better entertainment than cable TV. Tragedy, comedy, and everything in between plays every day all day at the County Courthouse, sometimes…

Officer, There’s A Man In My Underwear Drawer

Attorney General Eric Holder was just in San Francisco to address the American Bar Association. He told the lawyers that he wanted federal prosecutors to…

Peter Richardson, Take Two

With the announcement by Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN Sunday that marijuana has been shown to reduce the size of cancer tumors, the testimony of…

Oh, That Old Gang Of Mine

There are pot cases and there are pot cases, and here at ground zero Pot County we see them all, great and small. This one…

Glovebox Banditry

Pedestrian crime in Willits is on the rise. Two cases have come to court recently, and both the footpads were found guilty. One was Sara…

The CHP’s Pot DUI

The California Highway Patrol has plenty of critics, and a crop of new young officers has appeared in Mendocino County, who, these critics say, are…

The Talmage Flag Burner

Doff your hat and clap your hand over your heart! If in uniform, snap to attention and salute! Run up the colors, and play “The…
