It was all circumstantial evidence, this cold case from three years ago. The matter had been set aside and apparently forgotten. The victim was an illegal alien, the alleged perp a black man. There was…
Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”
Pulled over and asked to step out of the car. Spread-eagled against the vehicle. First, one arm and then the other pulled behind you as you're snapped into the handcuffs. Why? Plastic cover over your…
Last week the mainstream media's echo chamber reverberated with a story out of Oklahoma about an elderly white volunteer cop who shot a black man down. The geriatric law enforcer said he thought he was…
The week-long trial of Edward Starski, Esq, and his former client/father-in-law/co-conspirator and co-defendant, Larry Cornett, ended in guilty verdicts for both of them last Friday. They were charged with posing as a lawyer and attempting…
This trial was a minefield of politically incorrect booby-traps and cavernous tank traps of psychobabble, so many that the judge, who hears these cases often, needed frequent explanations of the theorizing entered as evidence against Ambrose Duncan.
Defense attorney Keith Faulder was among the startled to find Judge Henderson hearing a criminal case. Henderson seems to regard Mendocino County's thriving defendant class as automatically guilty of whatever they're charged with. When he…
A long dull week in the tedious administration of justice ended in a violent clap of excitement Friday morning when Dustin Henderson, in custody was suddenly out of custody, bursting out of Judge David Nelson’s…