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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

Keegan Arraigned, Plea Postponed

The arraignment for Dr. Peter Richard Keegan went very swiftly this morning, at 9:00 am, all parties having arrived early, except the defendant, who came…

Here’s To Bud Light Bob

Bud Light Bob has died. A regular at the Forrest Club whose tenure predates my own. I was informed of his passing this afternoon, as…

A Curable Romantic?

The Thessalonian Catrell Love case is finally going to jury trial, but the pretrial motions took up a lot of the court’s time last week,…

Fort Bragg Barbecue

In the early afternoon of June 11th of this year, a couple of guys from Chicago busted through the front door of a Harrison Street…

Bears Have Better Manners

In an empire of addicts tattooed with comic-book doodles, and ruled over by colossally wealthy clowns, one solitary hero still battles wearily for Truth, Justice,…

5700 Doses Of Personal Use Meth

Freshly-minted Judge Keith Faulder presided over his first criminal jury trial last week, and by Thursday afternoon it looked like the defendant, Mark Johnson of…

Willie’s Miracle

The jury trial of William “Willie” Housley of Boonville began last week, and the courtroom — presided over by visiting Judge David Devore from Alpine…

The Wolfe At The ATM

Last week we met Kendall Kice who had her bank account ripped off by Bobby Roston. This week we meet Clifford Hampton who had his…
