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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Washington’s Rules Of Civility & Decent Behavior

110 maxims about civility and decent behavior in public which originated in the late 16th century in France were popularly circulated in Virginia during George Washington's boyhood in the first half of the 18th century.…

Accreditation: Going Through the Motions

       Is your kid’s school accredited?        Of course it is. And of course you assume the solemn-sounding word represents an educational licensing process overseen by scholarly people deployed to carry out a complicated…

Keeping Our Crooks At Home

The first part of last week’s Board of Supervisors discussion of this fiscal year's budget involved a lengthy review of California’s new “criminal justice realignment” and its effect on the County departments. Realignment assigns lightweight…

Reine Claude (Green Gage) Plums by Anne Fashauer

My aunt and uncle had a small orchard outside the house where I now live and in that orchard are two plum trees that occasionally deliver some of the tastiest plums around - green gage…

Moving Forward By Standing Still

Described by at least one County insider as “a looming trainwreck,” the trainwreck himself loomed up Tuesday before the Supervisors. He's newly hired Retirement Board Administrator and former Orange County Sheriff’s Sergeant Richard White, informally…

Citizen O’Brien’s Complaint

On August 13, 2012, Mr. Dennis O’Brien, of the Mendocino Environmental Center, filed a $10,000 claim against Mendocino County “for actions of Detective Andrew Whiteaker, failure to process timely complaint by Captain Randy Johnson, failure…

‘Three Hispanic Dentists’

The supervisors strolled down memory lane at their mid-August meeting, straining to recall that in 2009 they'd received $28,000 “for the creation of a report on the technical assistance and financing needs of business and…
